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Leading Change Together

The story so far...
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 By May 2023, EPE started convening meetings to explore ways to advance economic reconciliation within the Edmonton region as a community. Participants came together to agree on a shared definition of Economic Reconciliation and committed to

moving from learning to collective action.


We believe economic reconciliation must be grounded in treaty understanding to establish equitable  and 

beneficial  relationships between Indigenous and non Indigenous people and the land.

To do this Indigenous knowledge must be taken as a guiding approach to identify balanced

sustainable solutions and actions so all our relations thrive.


During the first two meetings, we generated big ideas on how to push the conversation forward through collaborative efforts. The group collectively decided to organize an Action-Oriented Economic Reconciliation Symposium, leading to the formation of the Stewardship Planning Group, which took on the task of structuring, funding, and planning the symposium.


Since August 2023, the Stewardship Planning Group—comprised of Indigenous and non-Indigenous leaders from municipal governments, industry, and community—has continued to grow and evolve. Our shared commitment to developing a unified vision, setting guiding principles, and creating an action-driven event has become a living example of Economic Reconciliation in practice.

In 2022, members of EndPovertyEdmonton’s Inclusive Economy and Indigenization Teams dedicated time to building relationships and engaging with the urban Indigenous community in Edmonton to define what economic reconciliation means.

They connected with leaders from national and local Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations to learn about economic reconciliation, explore how it's practiced across Canada, and

identify opportunities for collaboration.

Thank you to the following organizations and individuals for committing so much time and energy to seeing this project to completion. It has been an honour to work alongside you.

- Andrea Streisel, EndPovertyEdmonton

Current Membership of the  Stewardship Planning Group

ATB Financial - Ash Howard

City of Edmonton - Jackie Ferner

​City of Spruce Grove - Karey Steil

Edmonton Unlimited - Ashley Allen

AKSIS - Shelly Mandeville

Orest Zwozdesky

Urban Matters - Brent Wellsch

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